Sunday, May 23, 2010

Project Report, Week 8

The quarter is trucking along. We only have 2 class meetings left, craziness! We've accomplished a lot this quarter, and week 8 has proved to be another productive week. The video team completed the City Farm shoots and we now plan to begin the editing process. I am really looking forward to editing. This has been the component I have most wanted to work on. In order to prepare for the editing process I have been reading the Final Cut Pro manual and "The Eye is Quicker", two books Professor Moore has let me borrow. I have also looked at a few video tutorials on You Tube. Michael suggested I try a trail, so I can use some of the FCP training. I am planning to do that this week. Although, I am having major computer issues right now. My laptop keeps freezing up and my little girl spilled water on my husband's laptop, so needless to say there are some issues. We still have a workable desktop, so I will just need to coordinate with my husband on desktop time. A part of me wants to just spring for a Mac. Wish I had the funds to do it. We just need to fix the laptops, and then we'll be in good shape again.

I spent much of the last class working with the St. Joseph's graphic manual team. Joe and Hannah worked on redesigning the newsletter in InDesign. I'm glad I had the opportunity to observe their work, because I have been interested in learning the program. Michael suggested I may want to focus my remaining time with the City Farm team, which I am planning to do, but I'm glad I had the opportunity to observe Joe’s and Hannah’s work.

Next week’s post will be all about editing!!! See you then.

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